Ezekiel 37: 1-14

Ezekiel 37: 1-14
Ezekiel 37: 1 - 14: Resurrection from the Valley of Dried Bones

Saturday, November 19, 2011


ELOHAI is the Hebrew Word for "You are our God" or  "You are my God" found in Hosea 2:23.

As I have spent the last year and a half praying about, knocking on all doors, seeking His Word, and waiting on the Lord to complete this vision and fulfill this desire to go to Israel, He has given me many scriptures to meditate on and to work to find understanding with.

Hosea 2:23 talks about another special group of people chosen that had received "no love", and in some translations "no mercy".
As many teachers point to the fact that Gentiles, after receiving Christ as Savior, are given ADOPTION into the family of GOD (Ephesians 1:5) ; Gentiles are in fact grafted into Israel's Promise (Romans 11:17-24), we can now claim HIM as our very own God. We become Chosen, like the Israelites, even if we have different purposes on this earth.

As I have been spending the last 9 months beginning to learn some Hebrew, I learned 3 verses so far in the form of a song. Hosea 2:23 is one of them. And I pray they will continue.

"...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete [it] until the day of Jesus Christ" Philippians 1:6