Acrylic on canvas taken from Luke's depiction of the Crucifixion at Golgotha and the natural and spiritual events and significances surrounding it. |
“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39
Facing the 'Golden Gate', the East Gate, where the Messiah will be entering into Jerusalem one day again, Yeshua was across in the Garden of Gethsemane praying for this burden to be taken from him, if there was ANY other way to save humanity from their sins... besides the cross.
To the right is the Catholic Church at Gethsemane with a painting on its facade that depicts Yeshua as he is praying to the Lord in the Garden. There are 3 disputed areas that could possibly be the actual area where Yeshua prayed from to the Lord. The Catholics, Russian Orthodox, and Protestants own each area.
Russian Orthodox Church at Gethsemane |
Olive trees at Gethsemane |
Obviously, there was no other way for humanity to be reconciled to God the Father in Heaven but through the sacrificial death of His Only unblemished lamb, His Son, Yeshua.
The last stop was the tomb (one of two in controversy) where Jesus was said to have been buried and arisen from. This is the garden found around Golgotha, which seems appropriate to be close enough for Joseph of Arimethea to have brought him from off the cross. Here is a rich man's tomb where Jesus most likely was buried after his death on the cross.
A few hundred people gathered here in Israel for this event. However, filling such a small garden, it represents the small amount of Christians that make up the Israeli Christian community. |
As the scriptures were read it was truly a remembrance of the rising of our Lord.
"Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying.
As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot."
John 20: 10- 12
If Jesus never resurrected we'd be worshipping a dead, powerless human.
Because he rose again, that was his sign to the world, that He IS the Son of God, and that HE alone CONQUERS DEATH and saves us from the Angel of Death.

At the base of Golgotha there are cracks that look like what would have been cause by an earthquake. |
Matthew 28: 2
"There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it."
Who came as a humble servant, to be slain for our sins (Isaiah 53), only to RISE again and reign from Heaven until He comes again to Judge the Living and the Dead when Every Knee shall Bow and every Tongue Confess that Jesus Christ, Yeshua Meshiach, is LORD. (Isaiah 45:3)
View from our hotel balcony |
Outside of our hotel New Imperial near Jaffa Gate, Old City, East Jerusalem. |
There is a great Arab Christian Catholic Church in Israel. They were instituted after the crusaders by the Scots, hence the bagpipes and attire. However, after speaking to one of them, they do not do much outreach in Israel. They set up the churches but don't proseletyze, "share the gospel", in the streets.
Calvary Chapel Jerusalem Worship team at Christ Church. Left to right: Christine Search, Mia, Drew Grizzle, Jordan Faker, Jonathan |